A 'new normal' requires a new approach to team wellbeing
Working at home is lonely at the best of times and now with people forced to isolate and work remotely due to COVID-19, having some relaxed team time is more important than ever. With a Zoom yoga class, you can treat your colleagues to a team effectiveness boost plus improve their mental and physical wellbeing. You will quickly realise it's much more powerful than a pint or pizza - although they are also very welcome! Classes are available in the morning, lunchtimes or after work. Up to 100 employees can join in simultaneously with live, expert instruction. All classes combine yoga asana practice, breath work and a short meditation - suitable for all levels. Fixed price per class with discounts for key workers and not for profit.
Contact me for more information or to book an office class
Email: lesley@good-pr.co.uk
Website: www.behappyyoga.fit